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Talk Show

Humorous Interviews
With Comedians

Get Interviewed

Do you want your work – and yourself

to be known beyond a narrow circle of specialists? If so, get interviewed by a funny, attentive and academically brilliant comedian.

We have worked with star researchers from Stanford University, UCLA, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge and others.

The interview can be in person or online.

Sammy Capm_edited.jpg

Unscripted interviews:
“Explain it to a comedian”

Unlike with typical interviews,

you do not have to worry about misspeaking, we will work with you to make sure that the final version is on-message, puts you in the best light, and is irresistibly fun to watch or to listen to.

Contact us

 for planning an “Explain it to a comedian” interview for you.

Please include the following with your message: 

  • A link to your personal web page 

  • A brief (250 words maximum) description of the subject matter you want to talk about.  

  • Upload a document / research paper, if available


The Private
Equity Industry

Professor Ludovic Phalippou,

University of Oxford

Securities Markets and Trading

Professor Albert Menkveld,

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Covid and

Professor Flavio Toxvaerd,

University of Cambridge


Scripted interviews

with a comedian

We can also write and produce a humorous script

wherein a comedian “interviews” you about your study, resulting in a short video that is both hilarious and insightful.

Contact us

 for producing a scripted humorous interview with you.

Please include the following with your message: 

  • A link to your personal web page 

  • A brief (250 words maximum) description of the subject matter you want to talk about.  

  • Upload a document / research paper, if available


We have worked with star researchers from Harvard University, Stanford Unviersity, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge and others.


Professor Ivo Welch,


“The wisdom of Robinhood traders”

(The Journal of Finance)


Professor Albert Menkveld,

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

“Non-standard errors”

(The Journal of Finance)


Professor Diego García,

University of Colorado

“The color of finance words”

(Journal of Financial Economics)

Tip: this may qualify for your
research/research outreach budget

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